What is Mobile E-topup / E-Recharge

Mobile E-Top up is also known as Reload and Multi recharge, E-Recharge or Single sim all recharge software or EVD (Electronic Voucher Distribution) Software. It is a simple method which has replaced the conventional method of recharge via scratch card to Electronic topup. Here with the help of software a person can perform a phone recharge themselves.  

In this with a single Sim and single balance you can perform the recharge of all the mobile networks. An aspirant who wills to start this business uses API of the telecom and integrates it in the software  developed by CCF. Admin distributes the recharge of all the operator to his network. For this distributor only need to pay admin to get recharge or E-pin of all the operator.

For example currently, if you want to perform the recharge of  an Operator than you need to purchase balance from the operator and after that only will be able to do A operator recharge.  Same way if you want to do a recharge of B Operator you need to buy balance from B operator. But in this E-top Software / Muti recharge software you need to buy balance from a single person to do a recharge of all the operator.

Type of E-top of Software

There is a different type of software based on client needs.

  1. B2B Software: Which is known  as Business2Business. In this software, the company (Software Owner / Admin) make its own dealer and distributor network & with the help of that, he sells the recharge. In this Admin creates  Master Distributor, which is a channel of  Distributor and Retailers.  The Retailer is the one who sells recharge to the ultimate customer. Admin set desired percentage for all the level from the master distributor to retailer. In this software, you also get the liberty to create end N Number of distribution levels depending upon the scale of the business.
  1. B2C Software:This is known as Business2Customer. In this software, company target directly to the ultimate customer, who accesses  the company website and recharge his/her phone and make a payment with payment gateway using his/ her debit or credit card or via internet banking.


  1. B2B & B2C Software : As the  name suggest,  this is a software which is combination (or hybrid) of both the software. In this you can run your business both ways with a single software you can also distribute recharge via your B2B retailer and distributor network and at the same time you can target to the ultimate customer with B2C who can directly recharge through your website.


  1. EVD ( Electronic Voucher Distribution) SoftwareIn this software, you will be able to perform the recharge with the help of pin this has replace the scratch card into a simple pin printing. In this, with the help of small POS machine or printer, you print the pin and give it to customer or if you wish you can directly send Email or  SMS to the customer Mobile No and Email.


  1. Kiosk Method: There are many kinds of kiosk available in market based on individuals requirement. You can choose which one you want to use. Here   customer uses  kiosk to perform  his mobile recharge by choosing his operator amount and making payment through his debit or credit card.  

How this business of E-topup or E-Recharge works.

E-Top is a growing business in all those market where people yet use pin and scratch card to perform  the recharge of their Mobile Phones.  E-top up gives convenience to the customer to recharge their phone from anywhere or perhaps on the go through the app which is a very easy method of topup.


People who start this business they choose software based on their vision of Business, for example if they want to do this business via B2B network or B2C way.

In B2B they run it through their network in which whatever commission they get from telecom from that they share a certain desired percentage to their downline. 

For Example: If you get 10% (10 $) from operator you will keep a certain percentage of it (20% (2$)) with you and rest you will share with your downline (Distributor 30 % (3$) retailer 50% (5$).

If you start  B2C you need not  share any percentage with the customer if you wish you can offer a discount on recharge or offer some coupons to the customer on each recharge.

Hope this Article has helped you all to understand the business of Mobile recharge / E-topup.

To know more about this you can always contact us.